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Maple Tree

What We Believe

What We Believe


WE BELIEVE Jesus Christ to be the only begotten son of God and Savior of the world. (John 1:14, John 3:16)

WE BELIEVE that salvation is only made possible by the shed blood of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  (John 1:29, Acts 4:12)

WE BELIEVE that entry into the Kingdom of God is possible only through the born again experience.  (John 3:1-9, Peter 1:23)

WE BELIEVE in the sanctifying power of the word of God. (John 17:17, 1 Peter 1:2)

WE BELIEVE in the biblical financial system, tithes and offerings, established by God under the Old Covenant, which was governed by law (Malachi 3:10) and reaffirmed by Christ in the New Covenant, now governed by love. (Matt. 5:17, 23:23)

WE BELIEVE in water baptism by immersion in obedience to the commandment of our Lord Jesus Christ. (Matt. 28:19, Acts 8:36-39)

WE BELIEVE in the spiritual gifts as recorded in 1Corinthians 12:7-10 and Romans 12:6-9, as well as the five gifts of ministry in Ephesians 4:11.

WE BELIEVE in the whole word of God, both Old and New Testament, the New Testament being our rule of government and practice. (2 Tim. 3:16, Heb. 9:15)

WE BELIEVE in Bible prophecy so long as it’s rightly divided. (2 Peter 1:19-21, 2 Tim. 2:15)

WE BELIEVE in the soon return of Jesus Christ to the earth to establish His kingdom over all other kingdoms of the world. (Rev. 11:15, Rev. 5:9-10)

WE BELIEVE that Satan will be bound for 1000 years during Christ’s kingdom on earth.  (Rev. 20:1-2)

WE BELIEVE at the end of the 1000 year reign of Christ the Great White Throne Judgment will occur, bringing about the resurrection of both the wicked and the righteous and the final destruction of Satan, also the beginning of the New Heaven and New Earth. (Rev. 20 & 21)

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